
Little People Big World

Some of my favorite things to photograph are kids. Whether they are infants, toddlers, or ten years old, the photographs that I have taken of children are some of my favorite. I think it has something to do with their natural innocence and poise in front of the camera, coupled with the inabilty to care about how they turn out in the picture. Either way, these are a few of my favorites:

Vintage Dylan

Today is my puppy Dylan's first birthday!!!! In celebration I decided to post some pictures from the day we got him....Back then he was only 1.2 pounds! I can't even take how cute he was (and still is). Enjoy!

and obviously I had to include a vintage picture of the guy he was named after...


Red Roses

This post is here to prove my theory about roses:
no matter how good the camera, no matter how experienced the photographer, any picture can be made beautiful if there's a rose in it


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